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Line Quality
I used my value scale to make sure i have 10 different shades. I cropped out some of the still life to get just enough of the camera and background. The proportion is a little bigger than the original thing because of the size of the paper. My lines go both horizontal and vertical across my drawing.

The still life drawing
I did a book an expo marker and a little bucket. I put the bucket and the marker on the book so you can see them. I made the bucket darker because it was black, then I made the book and marker lighter because the light was hitting it making it light to dark. The proportion of my still life is pretty good everything is in proportion.

1 point perspective
My perspective is spot on I have the 3 different part of the picture and you can see where they are leading to. My horizon line under the black door in the middle . My linear perspective is leading to my vanishing point which is the black door at the end of the hallway. I chose this picture because the original picture is super cool and unique I took it in an abandoned asylum. I really like how it turned out.
3 cups drawing
My proportion is pretty even and well put together. I made sure the shadows are correct and the horizon line is placed correctly.

Self Portrait
My proportion was spot on everything looks the correct size. My facial Features are pretty good it looks correct. I actually tried and it turned out really well. The hair turned out amazing I don't really know how it looks so real but it does! My eyes look kinda real so that's cool. I got 100% on this drawing and i'm very happy about it!
2- Perspective + Flesh
Proportion is pretty good. This drawing isn't as good as the last drawing but it's okay. My flesh is horrible but it was very hard to draw so it turned out better than i thought it would. I didn't really like this drawing it was super confusing but turned out okay in the end.

Charcoal Drawing
I used white and black for the pine cone the black is the dark areas within the pine cone the white is the lighter parts on it. Charcoal was way harder to work with it got all over my hands and my drawing. Graphite was easier to work because it is easier to blend. This was a little harder because we had to use the grid to enlarge the picture onto the grey paper.
Drawing 1
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