Shannon Colegan
Where does she live?
Davenport-Quad Cities all my life
How did she get started?
I was always drawing and painting but in 90s, I had 2 small children and was snapping photos all them time...since I didn't have time to paint or draw with 2 little ones running around, I found it was faster to take a photo of something I found artistic and caught my eye.
What is her educational background?
I started out in Fine Arts out of High School. I wanted to be an Art Teacher, but when I found myself pregnant I dropped out. Later, I followed a couple degrees in Criminal Justice and Health Information Technology, but never completed a degree except my Associates.
When you are out shooting a subject, how many shots do you take of one subject?
It always depends on the subject. Say a flower or a person- not moving- I could take several shots-changing the angles and lighting...an all day wedding or action shot- you can end up with hundreds of shots of one subject-making sure you cover everything and don't miss the shot. Candids can be one moment-one shot. A posed session-end up with 700 images of different poses. An all day wedding, you end up with thousands of shots, throughout the day.
How much planning is involved in the quest for the “perfect shot?”
Again it depends on the subject and the quest. In preparing for something, reading and being as informed as possible can take as long as you want to, until you feel as prepared as you can be. Fireworks, Lightning, Full Moons...there is preparation for that in researching-but those are just examples of things that happen in the moment and being prepared as best as you can be- cross your fingers and see your results.
How much time do you spend with your camera each day?
In the beginning of my quest of learning photography, I did not leave the house without my camera. It was by my side constantly and I shot everything. "You can't miss the shot, if your camera is with you". Now a days, I don't spend as much time with my camera. It's definitely out and ready when I am with my granddaughter.
What type of camera/ equipment do she use?
All Canon cameras and lenses
Photoshop to alter your imagery? Any other software or programs used?
I use Photoshop Elements and Lightroom.
What do you like to photograph the most?
Now a days, it's definitely my granddaughter.
What’s your favorite part about being a photographer?
I love capturing and catching the moments. I love the feeling that I am capturing memories for people and they can look back on them and remember the moments.
Some of her photos
