I love this photo it is super cool how I caught the bird in action. I think this shows how well of an eye I have for nature,animals and landscape. Most of my photos are of that so it just represents my style really well. I didn't edit this photo I really liked how it looked and I didn't think it needed editing. This is probably one of the best photos I've taken on my Nikon camera.

This photo was used as my texture photo in Breadth. I think it looks very textured and the colors are super cool. It shows how far I will go to get a good picture. I had to get at a gnomes view. Again this shows my style of landscape I love landscape pictures and over half of my photos are of it. The original picture of this photo was very dull and was lacking color. I brightened the picture, added more contrast and exposure. I also made it more clear. This photo shows how much editing changes photos.

This is one of my all time favorite photos, the colors looks so bright and the mountains look awesome. I thinks it shows that I have different perspectives. I like to get close to one object but also have a different photo in the back. It's another landscape which is my favorite thing to photograph. I didn't do much to the picture I just brightened it. It's definitely a very clear and pretty picture shows my growth a lot.
I selected this photo because I love the color of these leaves. It also represents Fall which is my favorite season. I put my phone into the tree to get this photo! It's also a nature picture so it is my style. I had to make the color brighter and more red because it was kinda dull in the beginning.
I chose this picture because it was in Hawaii and it is such a cool picture with how the all the trees an bushes are black and the background is a sunset.
Again it's another landscape which is what I mostly photograph. I edited it by taking some of the exposure down and bringing up the contrast. It really shows my growth with the editing.
I think I grew a lot over the course. My photos got a lot nicer and my editing got neater and better. I think I got better at everything if i'm being honest in Digital photography 1 my editing was sloppy and my pictures didn't have the right meaning or theme to what I was doing. I am most proud of my effort usually when things get complicated I shut down but in this class I stuck with it, some things did get turned in late but in the end it all was turned it and done! I am most proud of my scavenger hunt 3 I got almost all the points and I did such a good job. I wasn't very pleased with the very first project we did my photos were ugly and my editing was poor.I wish I would of chosen different items. I think I will continue to take photos I love photography and taking photos of landscape, nature, and animals.