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This palm tree picture was taken in Hawaii. I selected this picture as one of my best 5 because it is super clear and pretty. I think this is unique because it was taken from a different angle from my other photos. I didn't edit this photo because it thought it was fine the way it was.
This is a picture of my Bettendorf High school Dome shirt. I took this on the way Cedar falls in the car. I really liked this picture because it shows school spirit and I liked the way I edited it. I used the app Aviary.
This is a photo of an Iowa Hawkeye game. I really liked the look of this picture it's very fun and uses a lot of color. I used Aviary to edit it I put a darker filter on it because it made the gold in the crowd brighter.
This is a picture of leaves. I love this picture because it reminds me of fall and the colors are so pretty. I didn't edit it because I let it be it's natural beauty. I chose this picture because it's pretty and I love fall/ Autumn (:
I really like this picture because l love my shoes and the sunset is super pretty. The colors of the picture make it unique because its orange, pink. purple and blue. I chose this picture because I liked the look of the sky and how the clouds look. I edited it on insta size and lowered the brightness of it to make the colors look better.

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